
(Currently unavailable)

Champix is the branded name of varenicline, a prescription-only medicine. Champix works by:

  • stimulating the same receptors in the brain as nicotine. This relieves the craving and withdrawal symptoms that you can get when you stop smoking.
  • blocking nicotine’s action on these receptors. This means you won’t get any enjoyable effect from nicotine if you do have a cigarette.

Like Zyban, Champix is an alternative to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and doesn’t contain nicotine.

In clinical trials reported so far, more people have quit successfully with Champix than with Zyban. Champix has also shown to be more effective than NRT.

Some people found that after they stopped taking Champix:

  • the urge to smoke returned
  • they felt irritable
  • they felt depressed
  • they had sleeping difficulties.

Gradually lowering the dose at the end of treatment is an option that may help to reduce these problems.

Possible side effects of Champix

  • Nausea is the most common side effect, usually in the first few weeks of treatment. It should improve as you continue to take the tablets.
  • Other common side effects include headache, difficulty sleeping, abnormal dreams, increased appetite, taste changes, dry mouth, drowsiness, tiredness, dizziness, and gut disturbances such as constipation, diarrhoea or indigestion.

For more detailed information on side effects and interactions, read the leaflet that comes with this medicine.