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Smoke-Free Sport

Smoke-Free Sport is an NHS Highland initiative and part of our overall aspiration for a smoke-free future. This is not about banning tobacco in Highland or unfairly stigmatising those who wish to smoke. Our focus is on doing all we can to encourage children and young people to choose not to smoke.

We know that the younger someone starts to smoke, the more likely they will continue smoking into adulthood, the heavier they are likely to smoke during adulthood and the more likely they are to fall ill as a result of smoking.

Smoke-Free Sport is about promoting health, creating environments to help young people from starting to smoke and giving everyone a chance to perform at their best.

Inverness Soccer Sevens, Street League and Youth League have signed up to Smoke-Free Sport which means they now have a Smoke-Free Policy. The policy clearly states that players, coaches and spectators do not smoke while taking part in the activities of their team or representing the team. A smoke-free policy is not a personal attack on smokers. The issue is not whether people can smoke, but when and where they can smoke.

Launch of Smoke-free Highland and the Smoke-free Sports pledge.

It is an offence for under 18s to buy tobacco products and also for an adult to buy tobacco products for an under 18. This Tobacco and the Law fact sheet includes further details.

Join Us

Are you a group or club that is involved in sport for young people?

Join us and encourage your young people to stay smoke-free in sport and in all aspects of their life, giving the information to make the best health choices at an early age.

• Preventing young people from starting to smoke
• Giving everyone a chance to perform their best
• Creating a smoke-free culture
• Supporting people who are already trying to quit
• Protecting children from second-hand smoke
• Protecting the environment

Lot’s of teams have signed up to Smoke-free Sport since the launch in 2013, benefitting hundreds of young people involved in sport from primary and secondary school .

Signing up is a great way to demonstrate your care for the health and wellbeing of children and young people.

If you want to be part of the initiative, please contact us using the following form: