
The vast majority of primary school pupils do not smoke, making it the ideal time to introduce the issues and to encourage children to consider the benefits of remaining smoke-free in their lives.

We know that smoking rates among school children increases with age. In light of this, prevention efforts would be most effective if they began in primary school and continued throughout the school career. Curriculum for Excellence provides a real opportunity for young people to develop the skills for life in a way which enhances their ability to make positive choices about their health and wellbeing; including choosing to be smoke free.

Highland Substance Awareness Toolkit

The Highland Substance Awareness Toolkit (H-SAT) is an online resource for young people, parents and carers, and professionals, providing information about tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Lesson plans are available within the professionals section.

Lesson plans have been created to support children and young people from early to senior level, mapped to the Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes for health and wellbeing. They have been piloted by youth workers, teachers, and children and young people in the Highlands.

The Tobacco and the Law fact sheet is also available on the H-SAT, and was developed in conjunction with Highland Council Trading Standards.

ASH Scotland resources

On the ASH Scotland e-learning and resources site there are further lesson plans about tobacco and e-cigarettes. They have also produced helpful resources to support Smoke Free School policies.